
Mayıs, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Organizational Behaviour - What is Group Behavior ?

Organizational Behaviour Group Behaviour :           Human beings tend to be part of different groups of society by nature. These groups can be grouped according to culture, attitudes and behaviors, ethnicity, gender orientation, political party preferences or even football teams. Apart from being part of the different groups we have created, we try to adapt to the norms of the groups. We begin to feel, think and act in the same way as the groups we are part of. This allows us to further adopt the group we are a member of. As with anything, this grouping and social identity has some positive and negative aspects. While the polarization of society, prejudices and separation between groups are negative, it can be considered positive in some cases to help us increase our self-esteem.         While the groups that people are in are called “in-group”, the groups they are not included in are called “out-group”. Therefore, these terms con...

Organizational Behaviour - Contemporary Motivation Theories 2

EQUITY THEORY :           J. S. Adams made some research and experiments on motivation in the General Electric business of the USA, and found that reward justice has a very important value in terms of constantly motivating and encouraging employees. In his reviews, Adams determined that individuals always compare the awards given to them with the awards given to others and try to determine to what extent the awards deemed appropriate for them are equal to those who show similar success. In this comparison, individuals show their efforts, intelligence, knowledge, experience and abilities as their inputs or values ​​that they present to the organization and their successes accordingly. On the other hand, the rewards and status increases, premiums, bonuses and similar social aids provided by the organization include administrative powers and resources, and improvement of occupational safety and workplace conditions. Individuals compare the propor...

Organizational Behaviour - Contemporary Motivation Theories 1

Organizational Behaviour Contemporary Motivation Theories GOAL-SETTING THEORY :                According to this theory put forward by Edwin Locke in 1968, they perceive and interpret people's environments, and then evaluate these perceptions according to their own value judgments. So everyone decides what is good or bad, right or wrong, self-beneficial or harmful, according to their "value key". Accordingly, one determines himself for a number of things; It directs. Locke (1968) expresses this relationship simply (Onaran, 1981; 139): According to the goal theory, the goals set by individuals also determine their motivation levels. Accordingly, individuals who set high goals that are difficult to reach and will achieve higher performance and motivate more than those who set goals that are easy to achieve (Koçel, 2005; 655 in Gannon, 1979; 176).               The theory has two main propositions. Fir...

Organizational Behaviour - Douglas McGregor X , Y Teories

Douglas McGregor X , Y Teories What is X, Y theory ?            Outstanding social psychologist Douglas McGregor divides her management style into two opposite theories : Teori X Teori Y  Teori X :            This theory thinks that employees are not naturally motivated and dislike work, which promotes an authoritarian mode of management. According to this theory, management should intervene strictly to get things done. This management style of workers - Refusal to work. Eliminate responsibility and need for guidance. It needs to be checked, enforced and stimulated to provide what is needed. Request auditing at every step with the commissioning of the controls. It requires temptation to produce results, otherwise there is no desire or incentive to work. McGregor observed that X-type workers are in fact mostly minorities and that X-theory management may be needed and inevitable in mas...

Organizational Behaviour - What is motivation let's examine together ?

 Organizational Behaviour Subject: Motivation                        Motivation can be defined as the inner strength that affects the direction, intensity, and endurance of a person's choice of voluntary behavior. It consists of: Direction - focused on goals Density - the amount of effort allocated Persistence - time spent on effort. Sample : A team leader encourages team members to work efficiently. Features of Motivation Motivation is an inner emotion, that is, it describes a person's psychological state. This is a continuous process and we have to make sure it is not disturbed. A person should be fully encouraged. Motivation consists of theree interacting and dependent elements : Requirements : Requirements or deficiencies that arise when there is a physiological imbalance Drivers - Various camps or events organized to motivate employees and offer them new op...

Delphi Technologies Şirketinin Yeni Başarısı !!!

Delphi Technologies’e Automotive News 2020 PACE Ödülü Otomotiv ekipman üreticileri için geleceğe yönelik çözümler geliştiren Delphi Technologies, Automotive News 2020 PACE Ödülü’ne layık görüldü. Otomotiv  ekipman üreticileri için geleceğe yönelik çözümler geliştiren Delphi Technologies, geliştirdiği ürünlerle motor teknolojilerine katkı sağlarken, bu alanda dünyada önde gelen şirketlerden bir tanesi. Son olarak araç üreticilerinin ürün yelpazesindeki birden fazla motor ailesinde kullandığı Delphi Technologies’in direkt enjeksiyon entegre devre çözümü ’DIFlex ASIC’, Automotive News 2020 PACE Ödülü’ne layık görüldü. Günümüzün en gelişmiş elektronik yakıt kontrol donanım ve yazılım kombinasyonlarından olan ’DIFlex ASIC’ çözümünün karmaşık motor yazılımlarını yüzde 25 oranında sadeleştirdiği, uygulama maliyetlerinde yüzde 20 düşüş sağladığı ve arıza teşhis kabiliyetinde ise üç kat artış sağladığı bildirildi. DIFlex, karmaşık m...

Türkiye'nin Siber Alemde Küresel Etkinliği !!

Siber saldırıların hedefi olması Türkiye'nin küresel etkinliğini gösteriyor IntelProbe Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Işıl Özden: "Türkiye, politik olarak küresel düzeyde etkinliğini artırması sebebiyle son yıllarda ciddi siber saldırılara maruz kalıyor" "Türkiye, hedefine ulaşan siber saldırılar listesinde 4'üncü sırada bulunuyor. Bu durum, ülkemizin siber güvenlikteki başarısızlığını değil, tam aksine yurt dışı kaynaklı hackerların politik ve ekonomik motivasyonlar ile Türkiye'yi ne denli hedefe koyduğunu gösteriyor" "Siber tehdit istihbarat ağını kuran sayılı ülkelerden biri . TOLGA YANIK - Uzmanlar, siber saldırıların özellikle son yıllarda siyasi olaylara bağlı olarak geliştiğini,  Türkiye 'ye yönelik artan siber saldırıların ise ülkenin küresel düzeydeki etkinliğinin bir yansıması olduğunu belirtiyor. AA muhabirinin IntelProbe'un "2019 Yıllık Siber Tehdit İstihbaratı Raporu"ndan derlediği bilgilere göre, siber saldırılardan ...